Friday, January 27, 2012

Chapter 6: I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom - LT#8

Now that Percy has a temporary home and our other key characters have been introduced, let's take a look at how Percy may feel initially about being at Camp Half-Blood.

Part 1

Warm-up Activities:
Blog questions for anticipatory discussion: Choose 1 of the two options to create a blog entry for. Title your post: LT#8

1. Have you ever been bullied or treated mean by someone older than you? In your school, do the upper grades ever pick on the lower grades? Give examples, or if you do not think this is the case, explain why.

2. Have you ever been the "new kid" in school? If so, how did it feel? If not, have you ever had a new kid come into your school? What it easy for them to fit in or not?

Part 2

Group-Teach on Hermes. You will be put into three groups and assigned a different story or description of the god Hermes. Here are three possibilities from the internet:
"Hermes," from Mythweb
"Hermes," from Winged Sandals
"Hermes," from Encyclopedia Mythica
Each group should read the article -- either silently (writing main ideas) or aloud (going around the circle, alternating paragraphs). You may take notes, either way. At the end of the reading, you will be responsible for telling the story to someone who has not read it, and you may not refer to the story, although you may refer to your notes. After each group has finished, you will be re-divided into trios, with one member from each of the three story groups. You will then take turns reporting your version of the story to the new team members. As one person tells the story, another student acts as scribe, and writes down main facts. The goal is to be the trio that comes up with the longest list of facts about Hermes. Obviously, some facts will overlap between versions, but each fact can only be listed once. Give a minimum -- perhaps ten facts. I would be really impressed if anybody gets twenty. A prize will be awarded for the trio that produces the most thorough list. This activity will be timed. At the end, you should know a lot about Hermes.

Part 3
As you read:
1. What does Percy noticed about the farm house as he walks away from it? What bothers him about the attic?
2. Why does Percy feel guilty about Grover getting in trouble?
3. Why do you think Percy asks Chiron about the Underworld? He says: "The beginnings of an idea – a tiny, hopeful fire – started forming in my mind." What does he mean?
4. Based on the description, what Greek god is cabin three dedicated to?
5. Why is Annabeth upset with Percy after they leave Cabin Eleven?
6. How does Annabeth know that Percy is "one of us"?
7. Percy says the big girl from the Ares cabin reminds him of Nancy Bobofit. Is Clarisse like Nancy? Why or why not?
8. Why doesn't Percy want Annabeth's help when he gets into the fight with Clarisse?
9. What happens to Clarisse and her friends in the bathroom?
10. How does this incident change Annabeth's attitude toward Percy?

Part 4 (Done as a class)

The 12 Olympian Gods + 2. This is a good point in the book to nail down the facts about the Olympian gods. Use the graphic organizer in your Google Docs to fill out information regarding the sphere of control and symbols belonging to the god and goddesses referred to in our novel. We will fill most of it out as a class in our various groups. I will provide much of the information, but you will be able to provide your own knowledge as we go along. This makes a fun and easy “quick reference” sheet for review. (Click on the word Google Docs to go the correct page)

1 comment:

  1. 1. He notice that something is looking at him. A mummy that suppose to tell the future.

    2. Clover would have been promoted.

    3. He should be ashamed of himself he thinks Pluto Hades is up to something or he is with the Titans

    4. Poseidon god of the seas, oceans, and horses.

    5. She s upset that he is not what he she want him to be.

    6. She knows because oracle said so.

    7. Yes, Nancy is mean Clarisse is mean.

    8. He wants to show that he is tough.

    9. They get shot with bathroom water.

    10. She is nicer to Percy.
