Friday, March 9, 2012

Chapter 22: The Prophecy Comes True

Ok, this is it, the final chapter or is it really the beginning to an exciting new adventure? I hope you have enjoyed our novel study, even though it took longer than expected. Well, here is the final blogging activity for the actual reading. There will be a follow up activity that we will complete as a project. Make sure you leave a comment regarding your thoughts about the entire book and if you are planning to read the rest of the series. (I know already have.)

Warm-up Activities:
    1. Journal questions for anticipatory discussion:
a.     Have you ever betrayed or let down by a friend? Is that person still your friend? If so, how did you make up?
b.     If someone knew something really bad that was going to happen in your life, and there was nothing you could do about it, would you rather have them tell you or keep it a secret? Why?

Here is the Audio
 I had to divide the chapter in half due to the file size.

Part 1

Part 2

As You Read:

  1. What’s the tradition for campers who return from quests? How did the Ares cabin “honor” Percy?
  2. How does Percy’s mom get enough money to go to college?
  3. What happens to Grover in this chapter? Speculate: Will he come back in another book?
  4. What is the bead for Percy’s first summer?
  5. Why do you think Percy has so much trouble deciding whether to stay year round or go to seventh grade? What would you choose?
  6. What is unique about Backbiter, Luke’s new sword?
  7. Why is it dangerous to litter at Camp Half-Blood?
  8. Luke says, “Western Civilization is a disease.” What do you think he means by that?
  9. What turned Luke so bitter?
  10. How did Annabeth take Percy’s advice?

Follow-up Activities: (Choose one and this is a separate post)

  1. Wanted Poster. Now that we know Luke is the betrayer at Camp Half-Blood, design a wanted poster that can be posted around Mount Olympus. You will need to draw a picture of Luke, perhaps in the form of a mug shot. You will also need to include a physical description, a list of the crimes he is wanted for, the location where he was last scene, any special powers or weapons people should look out for, and a reward, if you want to offer one. This should be done using Pages on your MacBook. You will need to save your poster on your desktop and email to me so that I can create an e-zine of everyone's poster. (Like the Patriot/Loyalist activity)

  1. Percy’s choice. Write a paragraph defending or attacking Percy’s choice to leave Camp Half-Blood for the school year. Is it wise? Why or why not?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

chapter 21: I Settle My Tab

Warm-up Activities:
    1. Journal questions for anticipatory discussion:
a.     Which would rather have – a parent who is distant and doesn’t show much emotion, or a parent who very affectionate and shows a lot of emotion? Why? Could there be disadvantages to both?
b.     Have you ever had the desire to get back at someone? What did they do to you that made you feel this way? Did you in fact take revenge?
    1. Journal: Prediction. What do you think will happen when Percy brings the lightning bolt to Zeus? If you were writing the next scene, what would it be like?


As You Read:

  1. When the Los Angeles reporters interview Percy, how does he get back at Gabe?
  2. Why do Percy, Annabeth and Grover split up when they arrive back in New York?
  3. How does Percy convince the guard at the Empire State Building to let him see Zeus?
  4. What are some of the things Percy sees on his way through Olympus?
  5. Why Percy start feeling a little sorry for Hades when he sees Zeus’ palace?
  6. Percy says he is glad, in a strange way, that Poseidon is so distant. Why? Does this make sense to you?
  7. How does Zeus reward Percy?
  8. Who was speaking from the pit? Why do think Zeus doesn’t want to talk about it?
  9. How do you think Poseidon feels about Percy? How can you tell?
  10. Why doesn’t Percy petrify Gabe when he has the chance? What would you have done?

Follow-up Activities:

  1. Percy’s letter to his dad. Imagine Percy has to write a letter to his father, Poseidon, explaining the choice he made not to petrify Gabe. What would he say? How would he explain his choice? Would he want to tell his father anything else? Any wishes or requests?

Chapter 20: I Battle My Jerk Relative

Warm-up Activities:

1. Journal questions for anticipatory discussion
a. How well do you get along with your relatives? If your family held a big reunion party, who would you most look forward to seeing? Who would you not like to see?
b. What’s the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you? Have you ever been called to help out a friend?
2. Greek weapons and armor. At the beginning of the book, Percy mentions that Mr. Brunner has an awesome collection of ancient armor and weapons. Use the attached handout to discuss Greek armor and weapons. Some questions to discuss:
a. Why is the helm shaped like that?
b. What purpose might the horsehair plume serve in battle?
c. Why does the sword have a leaf-shaped blade?
d. What do you think the main weapon would be – the spear or the sword? Why?
e. Why are the shields small and round? Why aren’t they bigger?

As You Read:

1. Why does Percy will himself to get soaked in the water?
2. Ares says the best kind of war is when relatives fight each. Why would this be the most vicious kind of fight?
3. Why does Percy begin to suspect that Ares wasn’t acting alone – that he was taking orders from someone?
4. Which failures does Ares point to when he says Percy “doesn’t have what it takes”? Is this a fair criticism? Why or why not?
5. What deal does Percy make with Ares?
6. How does Percy’s ADHD keep him alive in the fight?
7. What strategy does Percy use to beat Ares?
8. After Percy wounds Ares, something strange happens that makes Ares back off. What is it?
9. Why is important that the Furies witness Percy’s battle?
10. At the end of the chapter, what does Percy decide he must do to complete the quest?

Follow-up Activity: This is a separate blog entry

1. Journal: Annabeth’s (or Grover’s) Diary. Annabeth and Grover have very different views of the battle with Ares. Annabeth calls it terrifying. Grover thinks it’s cool. Write a diary entry for either Annabeth or Grover, explaining what happened that day on the beach.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chapte 19: We Find Out The Truth Sort Of

Part 1

Oh my, the Underworld. For this chapter take some time to think about what it would be like to visit the so called underworld. Write a brief post about your thoughts about having to visit such a place. Do you think such a place could actually exist? Would you be afraid? (Just a few things to think about as you write) Title this post: Chapter 19 Anticipatory blog

Questions to answer as you Read:

1.What does the Field of Asphodel look like?

2.What do you have to do to enter the Isles of the Blest?

3.How do Grover, Percy and Annabeth end up at the pit of Tartarus?

4.How is Hades’ aura different than Ares? How does Percy feel when he’s in Hades’ presence?

5.Describe the guards at Hades’ palace.

6.What sort of problems does Hades complain about?

7.Why was Percy’s backpack getting heavy?

8.What terrible choice faces Percy when he decides to use the pearls? Would you have made the same choice he does? Why or why not?

9.How do Annabeth and Grover prove themselves to be real friends to Percy?

10.What is the power of the pearls?

Follow-up Activity:

1.A Map of the Underworld.
Draw your own map of the Underworld, based on the description in the book. Then compare yours to Grover’s map of the Underworld on the author’s website:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Chapter 18: Annabeth Does Obedience School

Ok, the underworld huh! Well, If you were about to enter a world that was scarier than death, how would you feel? What thoughts are running through your head at that very moment? Comment below about your mindset at this point if you were one of our fearless/fearful characters.

Reading Questions

1.Why does the DOA security guard get annoyed with Percy?

2.How does Charon realize Percy and his friends are not really dead?

3.How does Percy finally convince Charon to take them into the elevator?

4.What does the River Styx look like? Why does it look this way?

5.Describe the entrance to the Underworld.

6.If you were standing in that line, would you rather choose EZ Death and go straight to Asphodel, or risk being judged for your actions on earth?

7.What is Percy’s plan to get past Cerberus? Why doesn’t it work?

8.How does Annabeth save them? Why is she able to do this?

9.What does Percy realize about monsters at the end of the chapter?

10.Do you feel sorry for Cerberus? Would you have risked playing fetch with him, if you were Annabeth?

Follow-up Activities

1. Obedience School. Use the Internet to research how to train dogs. Did Annabeth do the right thing? Look up information on the Rottweiler breed in particular. How easy are they to train?
2. Play Rockabye Cerberus. Visit the Winged Sandals site at: Try your hand at the Orpheus music game. Can you put Cerberus to sleep?