Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I'm Related To Who.... LT #2

So, The Lightning Thief talks about Greek Mythology so we will discuss some of the mythical gods associated with the history. However, some of the gods frequently had children with mortals. What if you were the child of a god or goddess? Well that would be interesting... So, Research which god or goddess you would most likely be related to. For ideas,
visit the web site
Create a blog entry that list three (3) possible choices of who your god or goddess parent might be and explain why you feel you are related to them.

This does not have to be a long post, just make sure you become familiar with at least three (3) of the gods or goddesses we will cover in our novel study.

Title your post: I'm Related To...

Start your post with a brief introduction such as: While studying Greek Mythology I found out that I may be related to at least 3 gods and goddesses.

The first god/goddess that I'm related to is.... (then explain why)

The next.... (and so on)

Happy Blogging!

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